Education Programs
CEID's Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) programs combine specialized early childhood education with extensive therapies (including speech, occupational, and physical); home visits; and parent education and support. At CEID we use the Total Communication approach in our D/HH classrooms.
Sunshine Preschool is a community play-based childcare program, serving hearing children ages 2 to 5 years. Openings available!
All children are exposed to sign language.
Family Support
CEID’s services are comprehensive, flexible, warm, and caring. We strive to meet the unique needs of each family, while always keeping the children’s well-being and growth our priority.
Specific supports for our families include:
Parent Support including monthly Coffee Chats
CEID Connect Workshops including Sign Classes and Educational Webinars
Deaf Coaching
Family and Community Events

Audiology Clinics
CEID Audiology Clinics offer the highest quality of individualized care and solutions for people of all ages. All our services, from hearing evaluations to dispensing hearing aids, are provided by an experienced team of professionals using state of the art equipment. Our skilled staff specialize in serving both pediatric and adult populations.
CEID accepts Medi-Cal and commercial insurance at both our Berkeley and Oakland locations.
Get Involved
As a non-profit organization, CEID is tasked with raising 1/3 of its operating budget each year to keep the doors open. Every dollar raised supports children and adults who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing with services to increase communication, access language, and connect with community. CEID relies on the support of donors who know the value of our unique programs.
Learn about how you can get involved with events, volunteering, or different ways to give.